
Many parents considering or just beginning to homeschool would like to have personalized help. Get individualized answers for your personal situations. Parents will learn how to homeschool!


* Where do I begin? * What materials should I choose? There are so many! * How can I encourage my child to learn? * How will I fill my child's time - will he be lonely?


The homeschool lifestyle is so much more than just ABC's and 123's. It includes a lifestyle that encourages learning all the time and learning together. Bringing frantic, fragmented family lives back together can seem inviting and at the same time mystifying. Not knowing what to do throws parents into a whirl of confusion and concern.


Each parent is uniquely qualified to educate their own child. Workshops are designed with extra time and personalized attention for your unique situation. In a friendly and encouraging small group environment, top notch, enthusiastic homeschool parents will share their wisdom and pass along lots of information on how you can make the best decisions for educating your own child. Learn how to homeschool!